Establishing of the garden

–  Establishing of the garden  –

Keeping as much as possible the already existing plants and the style of your garden, and taking into consideration the degree of the light, condition of the soil, the landscape designer will consider all your wishes and preferences: he will design the best plan for your garden, using aslo systems of illumination and watering.

Establishing works we offer: 

♦  planning and preparation of the ground
  establishment of planted areas
  trees, shrubs, hedges and flowers planting
♦  herbs garden building
♦  rockery construction
♦  container and summer flowers planting
Ask for more! 

Garden is a place to reflect, calm down, stop, look, listen, and heal.

Establishing of the garden


We offer seasonal (from spring to autumn) or single service as the maintenance of gardens. During the whole period of our activities we have considered the reliability and the quality of works done important. Our ultimate goal for each project has been to create an emotional connection between our clients and their gardens – to create beautiful and elegant gardens for people to enjoy for many years into the future. We strive to always create a harmonious ensemble which considers the architecture of the buildings and the surroundings of the area.

–  Establishing of the garden  –


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